The big picture: using wildflower strips for pest control
Sustainable Soils and Crops
Penny is a microbiologist who investigates microbial ecology of soil and plants in agricultural systems. She is especially interested in using metagenomics and transcriptomics to study communities in situ. She aims to understand the relationship between the abundance and activity of particular microbial groups and their contribution to the emergent functions of the communities in the context of nutrient cycling and soil and plant health. The nitrogen cycle is an abiding interest; she started her career as a microbial geneticist working on symbiotic N fixation by rhizobia. In addition to soil and plant bacteria, where research included mechanisms of gene transfer and antibiotic resistance elements, she has worked with mycorrhizal and nematophagous fungi. This is combined with long-term expertise on the extraction, PCR-amplification and bioinformatics analysis of DNA and RNA sequences derived from soil and the rhizosphere. Recent work has focused on the N cycle in soil using metagenomics, transcriptomics and functional measures in long-term experiments at Rothamsted Research and elsewhere. The purpose was to identify which nitrifier and denitrifier groups are present and active under contrasting conditions, with the aim of optimising fertiliser use. She is also investigating links between crop health and yield and the soil and rhizosphere microbiome.