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Dr Marcelo Galdos

Soil Carbon Specialist

Sustainable Soils and Crops

Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, AL5 2JQ
+44 (0) 1582 938 486
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In the context of the pressing issues of climate change, land degradation, and the increasing global demand for food, fuel and fibre, identifying and designing sustainable agricultural production systems is essential. Marcelo develops research in the areas of soil health and climate-smart agriculture using crop, soil and climate monitoring and modelling to assess the impact of climate change, land use and agricultural management practices on yields, soil organic matter, soil moisture, nutrient use efficiency and greenhouse gas fluxes. His research combines in-situ sensors, process-based crop and soil models, Earth Observation and life cycle assessment to develop mitigation and adaptation strategies in agricultural systems, contributing to Net Zero targets, food and energy security, and environmental sustainability. Marcelo graduated in International Agricultural development, with graduate studies in soil biogeochemistry. He has experience developing GHG inventories and carbon footprints at the farm, organisation, regional and national scales; and developing carbon footprints of agricultural products. He has held fellowships at the UK Met Office and the British Society of Soil Science, and is an Oxford Farming Conference Emerging Leader. He currently leads research projects developing agricultural digital twins and agri-environmental sensor networks for decision support.


  • 2007 - PhD in Soil Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil (with internship at Colorado State University, US).
  • 2003 - MSc in AgriEnvironmental Resources Management, Agronomic Institute of Campinas, Brazil.
  • 1996 - BA in International Agricultural Development, MidAmerica Nazarene University, US .

Measures of Esteem

  • Reviewer for the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Innovate UK, The Wellcome Trust, Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI), São Paulo State Research Funding Agency (FAPESP).
  • External PhD examiner: Queensland University of Technology, Australia; University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; University of Sao Paulo and Sao Paulo State University, Brazil.