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Start date

20 June 2023

End date

22 June 2023


10:30am - 5:30pm


Rothamsted Research and Online

Internal Organiser

External Organiser

Association of Applied Biology Cropping and the Environment Group


Long-term experiments (LTEs) are valuable resources to assess the sustainability and resilience of agricultural practices and systems.

This conference will focus on using LTEs to meet current and future challenges in agriculture. We will explore how LTEs are advancing agronomy, agroecology, soil science, crop science and statistics to underpin farming systems that support nutritious diets while safeguarding our environment.

A key focus will be collaboration between LTEs around the world, including how new metadata platforms and new statistical approaches enable data to be combined to answer questions pertinent to the Sustainability Development Goals.

This event allows delegates to present on-site or online to maximise the global engagement. The meeting includes oral presentations, a poster session, workshops, a visit to the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments, and an optional conference dinner.

The conference will celebrate the 180th anniversary of the Broadbalk Winter Wheat Exeriment. Broadbalk is the world’s oldest field experiment, and was established in 1843 to investigate the relative importance of different plant nutrients. Today, it helps to answer questions about how farming practices, inputs, and weather patterns affect crop production.

Abstract Submission

We encourage submission of abstracts for delegates to present their work linked to any aspect of using LTEs. We will select oral presentations from both in-person and online delegates  so please submit an abstract however you will participate in the  meeting.

Event posters will be on show for two-days and we will be host an evening poster on June 20th. We hope to announce the meeting schedule by the end of April 2023.